The 2000 Baptist Faith & Message

Grace Bible Fellowship is a place for you and your family to come to know Jesus, to grow in your relationship with Him, and to serve others along side a loving church family.
We believe in reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching God’s Word, the power of prayer, serving the community and equipping the saints for the works of ministry.
So come join us as we love God and love others by getting to know God, by growing in Him, by reaching others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and by serving the church and the community.
So come worship with us this Sunday and be a part of the Grace family.
The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are actually born with a sin nature. Our sin separates us from God and we need to be reconciled to Him before we die. If we don’t do this we will not be able to enter into heaven and spend eternity in hell. That is why Jesus came to earth. You see our sins require a payment and that payment is death. Jesus came to die in our place as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. He came and willingly gave His life on the cross and shed His blood as the complete and final payment for our sins. He was buried after that in a borrowed tomb then three days later rose again conquering sin and death forever hallelujah! Romans 6:23 says that, The wages of sin is death (hell), but the gift of God is eternal life (heaven) through Christ Jesus our Lord.
So how do I get this eternal life? Well, you have to believe in Jesus and what He did for you on the cross and accept His sacrifice as payment for your sins. John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten son, That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” You have to come to Jesus by faith. If you feel Jesus tugging at your heart and you want to get saved, born again and go to heaven when you die, pray this prayer with all of your heart. Say Jesus, I know I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins and give me eternal life. I believe you came and died on the cross in my place for my sins and rose again three days later. I come to you in faith today for my salvation. Thank you Jesus for saving me and I give my life over to you. In Jesus name amen..
If you prayed that prayer we would love to hear about your decision to follow the Lord Jesus. Please shoot us an email at : gracebiblefellowshipcanton@gmail.com or call the office at 903-567-4091 so we can help get you plugged to the Grace family to help you along your journey as a new Christian!